The plan for yesterday was meeting up together at sunway pyramid at 1 o clock then go ice skating together! Many of us were pretty late due that there's sudden change of plan that my dad doesn't allow me to drive =( So, Tuck Yik has to be the driver and fetch me, Keng Sein, Ee Quin and Han Yao. We were one of the group which is late because Tuck Yik has to fetch his grandmother to the doc due to backbone pain. I was really excited that i get to go ice skating for the very first time! but also worried at the same time that i might straight away fall down once i step on the ice rink. It came out unexpectedly i did not fall that time! Ice skating was seriously tiring.
Look at how pack it is!!!
Okay, it has been about an hour and 2 that we have been skating. Most of us were dead tired because we have never eaten a thing in the morning. So Tuck Yik, Bitto(Tuck Yik's new gf), Jian Kai and Me went to A&W to eat(how i miss rootbeer float so much and want 1 now ><). After we finish our food, it was already time for movie. The movie was called, "Just Another Pandora's Box". It was freakishly hilarious seriously! But i didn't really get to fully enjoy it though because the previous night, i couldn't sleep well and i was kinda tired from ice skating. I slept awhile in the middle part till Jian Kai woke me up. Hahaha! Here's a trailer about the movie i watch.
After movie's done, we waited my college friend, Dion to come over to sunway pyramid. Went to eat dinner at some western cuisine restaurant called Gaga something something which i forgot at Sri Petaling. Someone bought a birthday cake for Wei Zhong which have 2 extremely big strawberries! Regret that i didn't take the picture of it.
Dinner, done. Singing birthday song, done. It was time to fetch Keng Sein back. Had to rush to fetch her back and go to Tuck Yik's house to shower quickly and go out again for the MAIN EVENT of the day, yo! That is Clubbing! Wei Zhong has always despise clubbing, and this time we going to 'racun' him.
Well, at first Yao and I was really worried because there's so little people there =\. We didn't want it to be the another worst clubbing experience for Wei Zhong. We drove 2 car. The other group were late, so we waited for them to come and we drink together. In the end, clubbing turns out to be fine. More and more people came in. In the beginning, there was nobody dare to take the dance stage and dance. So, Kc and I took our guts and dance at the stage. Slowly, more people join us. Everybody had fun so much. Until Dion had a little too much fun drinking till he went outside sitting at a street vomiting. I took care of him until everything's finish.
Few people KO'ed, which is Wei Zhong, Yao, Emest, and Dion.
The Rank will be:-
1 - Dion
2 - Emest
3 - Wei Zhong
(if i'm not mistaken)
Went to a mamak nearby to chill out. Few of us KO'ed and rest over there awhile.
So, the best part of it. WEI ZHONG VOMITED! !YAY! *applause applause*
When Tuck Yik was in the process of helping out Wei Zhong, he called me, "hey bro hey bro! take a pic of me taking care of him vomiting!" And there it is =P
Fetch a couple of friends home and went to overnight at Tuck Yik's house. Slept on the tallest bed for the first time ;D for few mins until Jian Kai came to join us. Hahaha!
P.S: Once again, Happy Belated Birthday, Bro!
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