Do you have any holidays that include your finals exam in it? Well, i do! Supposingly, i have 2 weeks holiday. The first week of my holiday consist of my final examination, which makes me doesn't feel like a holiday to me. I always wanted a long holiday, but i always end up doing nothing and wasting my time during my holidays. The reason is because of my dad. Let's say it's 2 weeks of holiday and i only went out with my friends like a few times, he'll be complaining i go out too much.
Gosh! Most of the time i go out with my friends it's usually for movie(quite seldom now), sports(most of the time), dinner, and going to pasar malam. Give me a break! During my usual college days will be like wake up early in the morning, go college and come back. Great, now you plan to deduct my allowance! So, after complaining, deducting my allowance and don't let me go out often, you say i'm being lifeless at home doing nothing. Calling me to fetch sis to go and back from school. Giving bullshit reasons such as, i'm tired because i did not have much sleep last night.
If you realize you come back home like really late every single bloody day! I don't see you at home like almost at all!?! You don't spend time with us. You only spend time with us when you only feel like it. Tired with your childish nonsense.
Anyway, yesterday my buddies and i went for badminton. Had a really fun day with them. More like laughing the whole 2 hours of badminton session. Sometimes, Me and Yao would be waiting for Yik and Kai because they would be sms-ing to *AHEMM AHEMMM*. Unfortunately, Zhong was late for the badminton session because he thought it was 8pm-10pm, which i actually told him it's 6pm-8pm. Maybe he read it wrongly =P. So, he only get to play like about 40minutes? LoL. After Zhong arrive, Kai dissapeared to somewhere with his phone together till the end of the badminton session.
After the badminton session has ended, Yik couldn't join us for dinner because he's going out to pasar malam at sri petaling with his gf. Ada cb tarak kwn la. Hahaha! jk bro! I had to drive Zhong's car because he has to guide a friend, Chee Kean, which he got lost about an hour. He got no sense of direction due that he treats his car like LRT, only knows how to go college and back home, according from Zhong. Chee Kean unexpectedly found himself near leisure mall. We drove there and he followed and join us for dinner!
What's for dinner? STEAMBOAT yo! I wanted to try a steamboat restaurant that i tried with Ee Quin and Yi Shan, which is pretty good. It's located in YuLek. Had no choice and eat at another steamboat restaurant which is just kinda so-so only. Me and Yao couldn't stop laughing because Chee Kean keep cracking up jokes and his impression was Imbah-ly hilarious!
Dinner ended, Zhong fetch Yao and guided Chee Kean the way back home. On the other side, i will be fetching Kai home. Had a wonderfully sexy talk with Kai on the way back to his house =P hahaha! Reached home, and played DotA with Yik, Kai and Zhong(i think it's his brother using his account) as usual at night ;D
2025 life update
3 weeks ago
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