Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Money T____T

URGHHH!! HEADACHE!!! It's just 16th of June now and I am freaking running out of cash. Friend birthday on my right, another friend birthday on my left and lastly, MY DAD'S BIRTHDAY! This is imbah yo. Seriously, I need to spend less, especially on food now. Furthermore, cut down on COD (T_____T)*sigh*

Oh well, since my laptop is able to load some pictures. I am going to show you the rest of the picture of the horse that i currently have ;D

Cool! An Elevator ~~~ 8D

This are the judges. They were laughing because there's a nightclub on the horse's balls.

Monday, June 14, 2010


HEY! i know i have been neglecting my blog for awhile :P actually more than just awhile but oh well 8D (seriously, the guy in the picture is not me! you guess it yourself ;D)

Well, there's something i want to show to all readers. It's definitely not something crappy but something more than just amazing yo :D!!!

Here goes nothing!

LOOKIE LOOKIE HERE! Seriously, WARAOWEIH! It's prize money of RM 8,000 \(@_@)/

It's actually my friend, How Wei Zhong and his teammates won first prize ;D He and his teammates join this competition. You have to color and design the house yourself. Sound pretty easy eh? Actually it isn't. They give you a theme called "Horse Can Fly". So, what do you have in mind when i say horse can fly? Must be a Pegasus, aite ;D? It's very common if the team make a Pegasus. So, Wei Zhong and his teammate thought of something extraordinary to design the horse! But before i show you all their design, i would like to congratulate them :D


Woahh!!! What kind of horse is that?!?!
It's a "Trojan Horse". It has a very good story behind it, which is super long and i am lazy to say it here xD. Actually i have a few picture of closer shots of it but i got problem uploading it. So, oh well :P