Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Objective after Counseling

2 days ago,
Wilson and i skipped our 10 o clock class and went for counseling.

Well, the reason we went counseling is because of me.
Last week, i told my dad i really wanted to study overseas.
He told me that he will let me do it but he feels that the business course it's not really worth studying abroad. If i want to study abroad, i should choose and study a more specialize course like Hospitality or Psychology. o_O
This is why i kept thinking and thinking. Made me so demotivated to continue this business course. Don't even have the heart to study anymore.

So, i couldn't take it and went counseling. Wilson join me because he also have doubts about this course.
At first, i thought the college's counselor will keep psycho-ing about how good is the college is but actually i was wrong.
He talks a lot things unrelated to the college unless you ask. He's very fair person, seriously.

He's Dr. Adnan Omar(i've put a video link)
He studies Sucidology for 14 years in the states.
He even wrote some articles in some teenagers and health magazine.
From the link above that i show you all, he even had appeared in TV before!?
If you all are interested in knowing about what is Sucidology, you can listen to him on what he says from the link above on his name.
Did i mention, he have finish his PHD? o_O

So, before we have counseling with him, he told us to take a career test that consist about 180 questions.
I got :-
Realistic : 3
Artistic : 9
Enterprising : 21
Investigative : 13
Social : 16
Conventional : 5

After a long talk, he suggested to me if i happen to really want to study overseas, he say Industrial Psychology will be the best for me.
I asked him more about what's Industrial Psychology about and i grew more interested and can't wait to finish my business course.

Well, for Wilson.
If i can clearly remember. The highest he get is Artistic, which is 26 if i am not mistaken. Lowest will be Realistic, which is 0. Which means, he hate maths. So true =P hahaha!
The counselor said he's kinda in the wrong track studying Business course. He said Wilson is more to the Mass Comm type of person according to the career test.

So now, i have finally made up my mind and have my real goal set in my mind.
He did say that Industrial Psychology only have it in western countries.
Which is like the United States, New Zealand, Australia and others.
But i don't ever think i'll choose Australia because it's too common.
Headache choosing a country.

But now, what demotivates me is my college mates. No offense if any of my college mates reads my blog but if you want to feel better, why don't you ask me?

I guess i need counseling for that.

But anyway, Industry Psychology! I'm coming for ya =D!

Thank You, Arigato, Xie Xie Ni, & Terima Kasih to ....


I wanna dedicate this post specially to my beloved friend, Ee Quin(with her blog link together =])

For spending her previous time making 3 different type of banner for me.
That made me having a very hard time thinking which banner should i use for this blog. Hahaha~

Well, i know i'm bad in words especially when it comes to thanking and apologizing to someone.
Though my face doesn't shows that i appreciated it but i mean it in my heart.
I guess i'm a weird person =\

Guess i should stop talking and show everybody the 3 banners that she have made for me!

After about almost an hours of asking around and thinking which banner to use. I finally choose thise =D i really like the others 2 too!

Told you guys all of them are good. =D
I would like to say many many many thanks to Ee Quin for making all this banner for me =)

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Whole New Blog With The Whole Old Look =P

I know the background it's the same as my previous blog,
but i really like black =(!

For now, i hope there's someone free, anybody!
To create a nice banner for this blog.
Definitely, i am not gona use my old banner because it looks retarded =(